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Forums / New Teachers / Managing the classroom

New Teachers

Managing the classroom

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Nick Paliswat Nick Paliswat 331 Points

I am student teaching 7th graders in an inner city middle school.  Classroom management can often be a difficult area to keep ahead of.  The school itself uses calling a parent as a first line of defense and a points system that students can earn or lose points based upon behavior that can be later used for school activities. There are many students that will talk out and often try to provoke fights with other students.  They are well aware of the punishments and know that they can for the most part get away with it.  We try our best to keep students focused and working on tasks by detailed lesson planning.  We change seats frequently to try and find the best combinations and use certain ques to try and quiet the class. I am looking for ideas to help add to my classroom management tools. 

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

Nick, I don't teach middle school but this person may be of help to you. She also has a FB page. 


Sarah Walker Sarah Walker 80 Points

Hi Nick,

My name is Sarah Walker and I am a pre-service teacher at Wartburg College. I will be student teaching about a year from now and your current situation is something that every pre-service teacher fears. I think the best thing that you can do is to keep a positive attitude. Talk to your supervising teacher and see what he/she reccomends. However, I think trying to quiet the class may not be the best form of instruction. Have you considered using constructivism in the classroom? You could try and come up with concepts, projects, and ideas that imcorporate group work and problem solving. I have never been in your situtation before, but I wonder if it would be helpful to develop some kind of reward system in your classroom. Do you teach different classes throughout the day? Perhaps make a competition between classes and make a chart on the wall to see which class can have the best behavior overall. The class who has the highest score at the end of your student teaching period gets a reward. I know that when I was a student, rewards always helped my class stay on task. Good luck and hang in there.


Sarah Walker

Wartburg College 2020

Elementary Education 

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