
Forums / Elementary Science / Girls in Science

Elementary Science

Girls in Science

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Haley Thomas Haley Thomas 855 Points

I've always known that there was a sort of stereotype in the STEM fields, specifically science, that girls were not that interested in it. How can I show my female students that it is okay to be interested in Science?

Kellie Padron Kellie Padron 320 Points

Talk about female scientists and their contributions. Role models are really good motivators.

Yadiana Santos Yadiana Santos 570 Points

I agree with Kellie Padron, talk to them about female Scientists. That way they can see themselves in them. Diversity is also good of you have an ethnically diverse class. I had science teachers who were very encouraging in offering diverse materials in class, there is something that might catch their interest and you can then be encouraging in it. Break the stereotype.

Anum Khoja Anum Khoja 1130 Points

I agree, you should have class revolving around the major contributions that females have done within the science field.

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