
Forums / STEM / Robotics Clubs and Competitions 2014-2015


Robotics Clubs and Competitions 2014-2015

Author Post
Caryn Meirs Caryn Meirs 26235 Points

Hi everyone! I am a mentor for a school based robotics program. I'm hoping to get a discussion going here with fellow robotics advisors, and teachers who use or are interested in using robotics with their students. This year we will have 4 teams in the FIRST FTC Competition and 1 team at FIRST FRC. This is the first year that we do not have enough spots in our program for the number of students who have applied! Besides the competitions, my students run peer workshops, run community outreach workshops and new this year * so cool* will go into elementary classrooms to build and program with classes. Anyone else out there?

Building STEM Education Through Robotics Competitions for All Levels and Budgets Collection (7 items)
Carrie Naglak Carrie Naglak 1805 Points

Caryn, Thanks for sharing your collection of articles! I just attended a workshop on Lego Robotics today and was so impressed and excited to start! I've never done it before but plan on doing it this fall/spring as a before-school club (twice a week...ish). I don't have much to offer yet, but I'd love to be a fly on the wall of this forum to hear other ideas.

Paige Sydoruk Paige Sydoruk 910 Points

I use NAO robots in my school. They're expensive, but they are absolutely great at teaching basic programming. It also is great for providing "scaffolded" learning

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