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Physics Quest

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Sandy Gady Sandy Gady 43175 Points

If you have not had the opportunity to experience a physics quest, you have got to drop what you are doing and register now. This is one of the most requested units by my middle school Design and Engineering students I offer all year long. Direct from the website, “PhysicsQuest is a story-based activity that exposes middle school students to the fun and relevance of science. APS provides a free PhysicsQuest kit to registered 6-9th grade physical science classes, home school groups, science clubs, and after-school programs. The kit includes a user's manual and materials for four physics experiments.” There is a story line that students follow in the user’s manual, written in a comic book type format, where they have to answer questions and perform investigations to come to an answer to the “whodunit.” This year Spectra and her gang are using laser powers and knowledge of fluid flow to “Stop H. Toueaux from crossing the line from motivating coach to evil villain.” “Students will learn about fluid motion. Why do Brazil nuts always rise to the top and the toy in the cereal box is always at the bottom? Why does ketchup flow faster when you hit the bottle? Why are smoke rings always in a circle? Find out the answers in this year's PhysicsQuest.” Not only do students discover the answers, but they are also given the opportunity to submit those answers online. I would register quickly as I could since I do not know if there is a limit on the number of participants. Physics quest information is found at . Other questions may be directed to: Becky Thompson, PhD Head of Public Outreach American Physical Society [email protected] 301-209-3206

Nancy Iaukea Nancy Iaukea 2710 Points

Sandy, You are wonderful!!! I just got my registration in, cross your fingers. I'm going to spend some time reviewing this website - what a find! I can see this being an invaluable resource.

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

Sandy, Thanks for sharing this information. I have sent it on to several physics teachers!!

Jonathan Grandt Johnahan Grandt 30 Points

We have been using Physics Quest for the past few years now and it is tremendous. It fits nicely with our curriculum and the kids love them.

Kevin Wu Kevin Wu 1220 Points

This looks like an awesome resource. I also just registered and can't wait to receive my kits!

Angel Doughty Angel Doughty 310 Points

Thank you for posting this. I hope that I am not to late to receive the kits. I am always looking for new and exciting ideas to engage my students!! Does anyone know how long it takes to receive them? I was looking more at the website, and the previous physics quests are available to download. I am very excited about using this media!!

Sandy Gady Sandy Gady 43175 Points

Angel, in the past my kits have arrived in the spring. You are correct Angel, on the website you can download past activities which use the same basic equipment as you will get in your new kits. The objects from the past that you will need to secure are generally easily obtained at the Dollar Tree or in many cases, are things you already have on hand. Nancy, When you register, you will get a confirmation that they received your request. As far as I know, once you receive the confirmation you are going to receive the kits. Generally just before they are shipped I have gotten an email letting me know they are on their way. I absolutely love these kits as do my middle school students. We always have to talk about the safety involved when using lasers, but by spring, my students are generally very well trained and love this unit. It makes them feel “all grown up” and gets them wanting to be involved in high school Science.

Angel Doughty Angel Doughty 310 Points

Thank you very much! I am very excited and look forward to trying these! :)

Jason Ward Jason Ward 1010 Points

Wow, what a wealth of information. Thank you for sharing, I will surely be transitioning over the net couple of years toward more web quests. Jason

Jason Ward Jason Ward 1010 Points

Wow, what a wealth of information. Thank you for sharing, I will surely be transitioning over the net couple of years toward more web quests. Jason

Patricia Rourke Patricia Rourke 45925 Points

I love your enthusiasm for Physics Quest, Sandy, and am most thankful that you shared it with all readers of this forum. APS has other grand things for students, too, as well as teachers so teachers may want to explore the home site more as well as register for Physics Quest. ~patty

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

Sandy, Physics Quest is a really cool program. The kits are no longer available but you can download all the printed information and buy your own materials to do the experiments. Teachers should register for next year's kit when it is available!!!

Sandy Gady Sandy Gady 43175 Points

Hopefully by now everyone has received their kits and had a chance to look through them. I am a procrastinator at heart and just opened my box, but left for spring break without having had a chance to look it over thoroughly. There was an email that came out March 28th. In case you missed it, there are some modifications and information that is helpful. I have copied part of it here: PhysicsQuest Scrapbook: Next year marks the 10th anniversary of PhysicsQuest and to honor the event we will be putting together a PhysicsQuest scrapbook. Do you have PhysicsQuest stories and pictures you'd like to share? Whether you've been with us from the beginning or this is your first year, we'd love to hear from you. You can email stories, pictures or comments to [email protected] or post them on our facebook page. Activity Corrections and Helpful Hints: Activity 1: Go With The Flow: In this activity, the rectangles that should be traced to make the shapes are printed on page 1-F and labeled "Shape Templates." Activity 3: Vortex Cannon: If you are having trouble building your vortex cannon, watch this video to see how it works. Correction in Activity 4: Do You Want Ketchup With Your Physics?: The materials list references "sand" made of small green beads. It should actually say "small glass beads." The small glass beads are labeled in your kit. I'm sorry if there was any confusion. Extension Activities: The extension activities will be posted on the PhysicsQuest website in the coming week. I am excited to hear how everyone is enjoying the quest activities. There is also a Facebook page, search for PhysicsQuest facebook group. Keep an eye out for an email next year letting you know when to register for 2014. Happy questing to all.

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