I taught 2nd grade for 12 years and yes, 2nd graders are easily engaged in science. I'm not sure what content strand you are focusing on. When we studied constellations, we use paper towel tubes and black construction paper. They made a circle from the black paper and used chalk to mimic one of the constellations. I used the pointed end on a protractor and punched small holes in the paper. They taped the paper on and looked through the tubes to see their constellations. I had a long row of windows and I used bulletin board paper to draw the solar system with planets, sun, and moon. I punched small holes in the moon and sun to have them be illuminated from the real sun outside the windows. We even introduced the words translucent, transparent, and opaque. The next lesson was on light. We also charted the phases of the moon for a little over a month so they could recognize the pattern of the moon phases.