Carolina Biological-Smithsonian-September 1.2024


Forums / Elementary Science / 5E Lesson Format

Elementary Science

5E Lesson Format

Author Post
Mary Lynn Hess Mary Lynn Hess 12488 Points

Hello everyone,

I'm looking for a template for a 5E lesson. Any suggestions on ones that work best for you?

Thank you.

Amy Banks Amy Banks 4900 Points

Mary Lynn--

I'm sure you've Googled and found templates. My problem when I was starting out was that I could find resources that explained the 5E and what was meant by each of the words, but I needed EXAMPLES of things that fit each step, so that I would feel comfortable writing up my own.

Have you checked out the '5E Model for lesson Plans Collection' here on the NSTA website? I think it would be good for anyoen wanting to create their own lesson plans in the 5E model (or adapting a lesson plan you already love into the 5E model.

Good luck and happy planning!

Mary Lynn Hess Mary Lynn Hess 12488 Points

Yes, Google had some, but not exactly what I wanted. So I thought I'd reach out to NSTA elementary teachers to see if I could find something better.

The resources you sent are helpful Amy. Thank you!

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