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Forums / General Science and Teaching / Classroom Management and Safety

General Science and Teaching

Classroom Management and Safety

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Christine Matthews Christine Matthews 435 Points

What are some ways that you manage hands-on activities with your students? What systems do you use when assigning groups and jobs to students when doing an activity? I am currently a student, and this semester I managed assigning student jobs using a checklist telling which students have already performed which jobs. We used the getter, recorder, reporter, and consultant, and each student wore a job card reminding them of their job. What other ways have you assigned jobs? Also, what are some ways that you remind the students of safety procedures? Do you have visuals around your room reminding the students of safety procedures? 

Brianna Powell Brianna Powell 425 Points

I like how the students have certain jobs, but I would use posters to remind them about safety.

Kimiko Torres Kimiko Torres 565 Points

Hello Christine, 

I think safety is paramount when doing hands-on activities with children, which I am sure you are aware of. I think assigning jobs is great way to teach students about responsibility. I think I may steal the job card clip-on idea for my future classroom! Like another responder said below, visual aids of some sort would be useful in reminding not only the students of their jobs but the teacher also because many of us will have about ten different thoughts going at once. Maybe letting the students choose their jobs in the early days of the school year could engage them more so. As for safety rules, it is definitely important to go over them with the students and, if doing many hands-on activities during the year, a poster hanging the class would be a great reminder of safety protocols. Going over it with the students before more complex hands-on activities would be good too. Great questions!

Francesca Mandriotti Francesca Mandriotti 5270 Points

Promoting and ensuring safety is essential when conducting and managing a hands-on activity. Definitely using visuals such as posters around the classroom is important. Not only does it serves as a remainder, but also as an easy visual aid in case they may need to reference back to it. I am also a student and do field experience hours in an elementary school. The classroom I was assigned to has posters around the room about the safety procedures and precautions, which really helps the students. I have also witnessed how the classroom teacher assigns jobs/roles to students which alters weekly. The teacher has a simple method of assigning jobs which is consists of having a list. The list contains the names of each student, as well as the all the possible jobs. The teacher checks off the students who had already been assigned to certain jobs and assigns another set of students to for the week. This is so everyone has a turn in having each job. Lastly, I found a website that might help you with assigning jobs!

Kyrston Hickson Kyrston Hickson 1290 Points

I like the idea of student jobs during an activity and also during the regular school day/year. I'm wondering at what level does this work best. I plan on teaching middle grades. I can see elementary students jumping at the opportunity to help out the teacher. But middle grade students might not be so enthusiastic about it. Is there an age limit to this "method"?

Chase Shikada Chase Shikada 595 Points


I also like the idea of student jobs.  I would go over expectations first and then use a poster reminder as previously mentioned.  Forming groups though, I feel that's something more based on you knowing your students.

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