Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / Elementary Science / Parent Involvement at home

Elementary Science

Parent Involvement at home

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Kimi Cyphert Kimi Cyphert 190 Points

Is there a science activity that you can send home with your students that EVERY student would be able to complete considering different economic backgrounds. I think it would be so cool to prepare an activity that would allow the student and parent to complete together!

Dong Ngo Dong Ngo 845 Points

Be very aware of food containers that you might have. There are plenty of experiments that you can do with a empty milk jug or an empty bottle of soda. You might also be able to use common household items such as vinegar, baking soda, and assorted spices (useful to illuminate water movement in place of glitter). If you have a garden or access to a nearby park, that's a great place to explore and learn about plants, trees, and even some animals. For example, you can observe how long it takes for a glass of water to evaporate in sunlight.

Yixiu Yan Yixiu Yan 340 Points

Hi Kimi,

I really like you point this out, and I agree with you. Parents should be involved in children's growth, some take home science activities will let them have a great time and learn some science knowledge. I know few take home science activities, and I want to share one with you.

Balloon Air Pressure Experiment
· You need to prepare a balloon, a jar, a piece of paper, and a lighter.
· Fill the balloon with some water, let the children see it is too large to fit down inside the jar and rests on the top.
· Light a piece of paper on fire and drop it into the jar, then place the balloon on top.
· The balloon will start to suck into the jar about halfway into the jar.
· After the fire dies and the jar cools, let children see if they can pull the balloon out. It will not that easy!

Wish you like it.


Darlyng Trujillo Darlyng Trujillo 421 Points

Hello, I agree that parents should be encouraged to participate more at home with their child's school work because parent involvement facilitates students learning. Parental involvement helps students behavior, academic achievement, and provides support to their learning. In addition, I have a few ideas of how parents can participate in their child's school work. Science activities are great to show both parent and child that learning can be fun. Exploring the outdoors can have its perks. For example, learning about the food chain can allow the student to go to the park and see how an ant pile is formed or how birds provide food for their babies. In addition, parents can help students participate in the science fair projects. Students will need help on gathering project materials and research information to complete the assignment. I was able to participate as a judge at a Mars Rover Science Fair a couple of weeks ago and found that students enjoyed researching, building, and presenting their work in the competition. Parents participated by bringing their child to the science fair, providing materials they needed, and most important the support they gave their child. Parental involvement makes an enormous impact on student academic achievement.

Henry Campos Henry Campos 695 Points

Good Morning, I just wanted to mention that parent involvement in the child's learning journey is essential. i totally agree with your comments and ideas. In many cases students do not put the effort to learn in school and don't care because they don't get that support from their parents. It has been seen that when parents are interested in what the child is learning, and they help them with projects; children tend to get motivated and try harder. That is why we was teachers need to also put the effort to build that bridge between the teacher and parent; and also the student and parent.

Aleena Naqvi Aleena Naqvi 370 Points

Hello, One of the really interesting take home assignments I observed during my developing teaching semester was 'Choice Homework' in which the teacher allowed the students to take a week to do their homework, and provided them with multiple options for what they can do. Some of these options included scientific experiments using objects they can find at home and work on with their parents. These included using oil and water in a water bottle to show the difference in density levels, or any substance of their choice that would work. If the students didn't have the means to complete this particular project, they were allowed to make a video and show any scientific experiment of their choice, and if neither of these were possible, they could write a a one page paper about any scientific related topic that they chose.

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