
Forums / New Teachers / Gathering Science Materials

New Teachers

Gathering Science Materials

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Brittany Lapa Brittany Lapa 850 Points

As a new teacher, does anyone have tips on where to gather science materials especially if your school is not able to provide materials or funding for science materials? Obviously some things can be collected by saving objects here and there, but as far as other science tools i.e. hand lens, graduated cylinders, magnets, etc. Does anyone have any good resources or places they go to get these materials? -Brittany

Courtney Lucca Courtney Lucca 620 Points

At a science conference I attended they did a whole segment on dollar store science activities. That might be a great resource to use as a new teacher. I am also a new teacher finishing up my credential and would love to hear any other ideas. Here is a website that might help:

Kristen Wright Kristen Wright 1165 Points

This website has a lot of different resources for any grade level you would need science materials for. Hope this helps.

Cris DeWolf Cris DeWolf 11965 Points

Try Freecycle:

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