
Forums / Next Generation Science Standards / Elementary (1st-5th) Science Lab Remodel

Next Generation Science Standards

Elementary (1st-5th) Science Lab Remodel

Author Post
Lesley Bensinger Lesley Bensinger 50 Points

I am the elementary science teacher at a small private school.  Our lab is over 20 years old and it's time to start to look for funding for a remodel.  I'm new in this role and have been working in the space for 8 months and have some ideas, but I would love some feedback.  Do you work in a lab that you love?  What are the must haves?  Are there aspects of your lab that you dislike?

Currently my 'must haves' are all about storage and outlets.  It's all I can think about!

I am looking for inspiration and hoping to aviod any pitfalls.

Also, if you have aquired funding for a science lab are there any particular foundations that you used?

Thank you for your help!

Lesley Bensinger


Christine Walsh Christine Walsh 2545 Points

If you can also have two sinks. At least one that is a deep sink. That's a nice feature to have.

Torrey Wenger Torrey Wenger 907 Points

Sinks! Our 6th grade science teacher doesn't have any & has to send kids out of the room to wash their hands, etc.

Torrey Wenger Torrey Wenger 907 Points

Oops, you already said my answer! This is what I get for not reading all the posts in the email 1st. ?

Lesley Bensinger Lesley Bensinger 50 Points

Yes, multiple sinks!  Great!

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