
Forums / Elementary Science / Beyond the Field Trip

Elementary Science

Beyond the Field Trip

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Shariah Lawrence Shariah Lawrence 240 Points

After reading this article, I found interesting that field trips aren't just about getting kids out of the classroom but to help them learn more about different topics. Since COVID is going on, teachers have made other options like doing virtual 'field trips' so that students still understand the importance of what they are learning while having fun. 

Katie Andrews Katie Andrews 675 Points

I think this is a great reminder that field trips are not about getting kids out of the classroom for a fun activity, but for a learning experience. I believe that children learn more when they are involved and it's hands on. I know a lot of schools like to take kids to the zoo, an apple, a pumpkin patch, etc. Like the article said, times right now are different with COVID, and I think it's critical for teachers to be creative during this time and use what resources you have at your hands. Technology is great for virtual field trips, and find areas outside around the school that the students can safely explore in. 

Paige Morrison Paige Morrison 395 Points

I truly think that it is important to remember that even though we are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, student excitement with learning is still important. Students still need to see and learn about the world through experiences like field trips, even when the trip itself cannot occur. Virtual field trips could be a great way to connect with students and keep their excitement about learning. Students being able to make connections to the world around them is the true nature of science. STEAM learning should still take place, even if the classroom is not functioning normally. With so many connections and materials through NSTA, ideas and possibilities are endless when determining how to continue student learning with this 'new normal'. I enjoyed reading this article and seeing how creativity is having to step in and take control. Teachers are working so hard through this pandemic so that their students can keep their love for STEAM. Reading articles like this make me excited to be a teacher soon, as I see everyone coming together and pulling materials to make student learning outcomes successful. 

- Paige Morrison, Pre-Service Teacher attending Wartburg College

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