
Forums / Elementary Science / Garden Unit - Second Grade

Elementary Science

Garden Unit - Second Grade

Author Post
Ariana Justice Ariana Justice 1850 Points

Hi everyone,

I'm a preservice teacher and in my science methods class, we are required to make a unit plan. I have decided to create a unit plan for 2nd grade revolving around growing a garden. I feel very confident in my unit, but I do have one problem that I'm coming across. One of the requirements of our unit is a technology requirement. We have to include technology in our unit, somehow. I'm struggling in seeing how I can incorporate technology in a unit about gardening, any ideas?


Jeff Torrance Jeff Torrance 560 Points

Hi, Incorporate digital weather stations and graphing of temperature, rainfall and maybe even wind on a spreadsheet. You will be able to graph temperature changes and see averages. Measure the growth of plants in different conditions as well. Same plant in a shady spot and a sunny spot. Graph it using a line graph and see which conditions are best for it.

Peggy Ashbrook Margaret Ashbrook 10963 Points

Hi Ariana,

Does the technology requirement refer only to tools operating by electricty or only those with screens, or is the requirement defined as any technology?

Measuring the soil temperature over time would use technology, either an analog or digital thermometer.

Having the children document the process of their work through paper and pen drawings or photographs is another way to use technologies. When children create media to represent their work and learning, educators can use it to assess their own work and see where to add additional learning experiences. 

See more about media literacy at these two sites:

The National Association for Media Literacy Education, 
And Faith Rogow on young children and media literacy, 

Best wishes,



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