[size=4][font=Helvetica]Hello, Brenna and others, [/font][/size]
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[size=4][font=Helvetica]To create experiments that are both effective and fun, I worked with a couple of Finnish teachers to develop the Phenomenon-Based Learning Books (from NSTA Press). Here are links to the elementary version [/font][/size]
[size=4][font=Helvetica] [/font][/size]
[u][color=blue][size=4][font=Times New Roman][url=http://www.nsta.org/store/product_detail.aspx?id=10.2505/9781936959389][color=blue]http://www.nsta.org/store/product_detail.aspx?id=10.2505/9781936959389[/color][/url] [/font][/size][/color][/u][u][color=blue][size=4][font=Helvetica] [/font][/size][/color][/u]
[size=4][font=Helvetica] [/font][/size]
[size=4][font=Helvetica]the middle-school version [/font][/size]
[size=4][font=Helvetica] [/font][/size]
[url=http://www.nsta.org/store/product_detail.aspx?id=10.2505/9781936959372][size=4][font=Times New Roman]http://www.nsta.org/store/product_detail.aspx?id=10.2505/9781936959372[/font][/size][/url]
[size=4][font=Helvetica] [/font][/size]
[size=4][font=Helvetica]and the high-school version [/font][/size]
[size=4][font=Helvetica] [/font][/size]
[size=4][font=Helvetica] [/font][/size]
[size=4][font=Helvetica]On any of those pages, you can scroll down, and under “Details,” you’ll find a link for downloading a sample chapter. And if you click on that link, you get not only the sample chapter, but also the table of contents and the Introduction. Teachers will find the Introduction quite informative in describing how they should present the activities in ways that will be most pedagogically effective for all levels of students.[/font][/size]
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[size=4][font=Helvetica]The books are based on "Phenomenon-Based Learning" (PBL), which builds knowledge of, and interest in, physical science as a result of observations of real-world phenomena, in this case, some fun gizmos and gadgets. Why PBL? PISA assessments showed that Finnish students were among the top in science and reading proficiency levels. So, as I mentioned, I worked with a couple of Finnish teachers to develop the PBL pedagogy, which combines elements of what's done in Finland with what's known about effective science teaching based on science education research to present science in ways that are both fun and educational. The idea is to teach broader concepts and useful thinking and performance skills (as with [i]NGSS[/i]) rather than asking students to simply memorize facts and formulas. Students will investigate an interesting gadget and, motivated by their own curiosity, explore and discover how it works and what physical phenomena are involved. Thus the book’s approach to learning is based on curiosity and creativity — a fun way to learn! [/font][/size]
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[size=4][font=Helvetica]There are also kits of materials designed to go with the book, which are sold by Arbor Scientific. You can see them here: [/font][/size]
[color=black][size=4][font=Bookman Old Style] [/font][/size][/color]
[color=black][size=4][font=Bookman Old Style] [/font][/size][/color]
[size=4][font=Helvetica]Click on any book to see the kit(s) for that book. [/font][/size]
[size=4][font=Helvetica]The kits are expensive, but they provide enough materials for dozens of activities and would be a great investment for any school, even without the books. [/font][/size]
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[size=4][font=Helvetica]Best regards, [/font][/size]
[size=4][font=Helvetica]Matt [/font][/size]
[font=Helvetica] [/font]
[size=1][font=Helvetica]Dr. Matthew Bobrowsky[/font][/size]
[size=1][font=Helvetica]Delaware State University[/font][/size]
[size=1][font=Helvetica]Dover, DE 19901-2202[/font][/size]
[size=1][font=Helvetica]302-857-7729 (office)[/font][/size]
[size=1][font=Helvetica]443-812-5466 (cell)[/font][/size]
[size=1][font=Helvetica][email protected] [/font][/size]