Vernier Science Education_Main Pages_January 2025


Forums / Rural Teachers / Online PD for K-5 Teachers- Connecting STEM and LIteracy!

Rural Teachers

Online PD for K-5 Teachers- Connecting STEM and LIteracy!

Author Post
Ruth McDonald Ruth McDonald 1980 Points

Hi All,

Thought you would like to know that there is an online Picture Perfect STEM course beginning Sept. 26th. Look here for information:

It is a great way to get some PD in a personal way while still allowing participants to stay where they are and not travel.

The course is $175, and you receive a free Picture Perfect eBook of your choice, and there are also 2 grad credits available at your own cost.


Ruth McDonald

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

Thank you!!!!

Ruth McDonald Ruth McDonald 1980 Points

If you are not familiar with Picture Perfect STEM and Picture Perfect Science, by Emily Morgan and Karen Ansberry, I encourage you to check it out. The lessons use the 5E model and are NGSS aligned, and the most recent STEM lessons are strong in engaging elementary students in the Science and Engineering Practices. There is an online course beginning January 30th that Karen and Emily are teaching. Take the course in the comfort of your own home and receive a free eBook. Course is $175 and you can register here:

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