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Recent Reviews by Kari
Earth and Sky: Grades K-4
Sun, Apr 25, 2010 8:01 PM
Great resource for teachers!
the Earth and Sky Sci guide is a great resource for the classroom and what teacher can say they have too many of those? It covers two themes changes in the earth and sky and objects in the sky. In an easy to use chart it includes lesson plans as well as samples of student work.
Scope on the Skies: Solar system update
Fri, Apr 16, 2010 11:09 AM
A Planetary Debate
This resource is helpful and interesting although was published 4 years ago. In my work with students I have recently noticed two things; students are interested in Pluto’s exclusion from planetary status, and they want to know why it happened. This journal article is a solar system update. It explains that the solar system changes with a comparison of what the solar system was thought to consist of in 1979 and what it was like in 1999. It debates the definition of a planet with regards to Pluto, Sedna, and Quaoar, and explains population classification as a possibility for more accurate planet definition.
Earth, Sun, and Moon: Our Moving Earth
Fri, Apr 16, 2010 10:38 AM
A Wealth of Information at Your Fingertips!
This is only one object out of four in the Earth, Sun, and Moon Sci Pack. It is the first I have reviewed and already I have learned so much! This is great! The information explains not only the science but, also the history of the scientists who made the discoveries. As a complex learner I learn best through auditory/linguistic means and the text in this object has narration making it very easy to pick up what is being taught. I enjoyed the animations as well, they were very helpful in understanding what was being presented in a visual way. I appreciated that the program follows the “you will be able to” model as it would make it easy to add to your professional development plans and to fulfill assessable goals via the comprehension questions that follow each section and the quiz at the end. Also, I felt the “common student preconceptions” section was very helpful and allowed me to think about the content in student related ways. The other two supplements; the term glossary and ask a mentor function are great ways to supplement and follow up your knowledge with a content expert.
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