Fri, Dec 11, 2015 2:36 AM in Science Humor
I don't have any jokes myself but I love this idea. I think interacting with students in a humorous way shows them that you don't take yourself too seriously and lets them know they can trust you with their successes and their mistakes. It is a great way to build rapport with students.
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Fri, Dec 11, 2015 2:25 AM in Advice for Elementary Lessons on Heredity
I completely agree! Using something like animals would let students really observe differences without offending anyone. It's also much easier to see the differences in genetics in different breeds of dogs.
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Fri, Dec 11, 2015 2:13 AM in Electromagnetism for high school
I think part of what helps students learn is how excited they are about the concept. To engage my students with the idea of electromagnetism, I asked them to investigate how mag-lev trains work. To understand, they needed to develop an understanding of electromagnetism. This made the more ready to create a deeper understanding of the concept.
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