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Recent Posts by Brittany
Wed, Feb 08, 2023 8:20 PM in Rural vs. Inner-city
Hello! I've only ever taught at a rural school and cannot give personal experience, but I have numerous friends who have given me their pros and cons from going inner-city to rural. The most common pros are a lack of strict/higher level structure. In the rural setting, the administration is more laid back and less likely to give you more than your share. The cons are tough to swallow because ...
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Wed, Feb 08, 2023 8:15 PM in k-2 with no science curriculum
Hello! First time user on the forums over here. I'm excited to interact in a new way amongst both my peers and others who are in the same/similar studies as myself. I tech first grade at an elementary school and have found myself confused on how to apply this coursework. I first grade, there is no science block, and I've discussed this in small amounts with my professor. I'm curious i...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Brittany
Sun, Feb 19, 2023 4:55 PM
Interactive e-book
As I completed the interactive modules, I found the gaps and issues with previous high school knowledge that needed updating. Throughout my bachelors, I had multiple science classes which touched on basic lessons and knowledge, however, this interactive e-book allowed a deeper knowledge check and understanding of content. Each module contained a quiz and the final assessment went over the bullet points of the lessons. I highly recommend this e-book if you're looking to further your life science education and bring that knowledge into the classroom!
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