Vernier Science - Nov2024_WEBINAR page
  • Sherri Cavallaro

    Sherri Cavallaro


My NSTA / Peers / Sherri Cavallaro

I graduated from Rutgers University with a degree in Environmental Science. Upon graduation I worked for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as an Environmental Scientist for 8 years. When I had my first child, I resigned from the EPA in order to raise and care for my children. A few years later, I started a successful online business in the pet industry. After my move to South Carolina, I decided that I was going to pursue my passion to teach children. I sold my business and went down the path of teaching by applying to my local school district to become a substitute teacher. I began to substitute and gain teaching experience working with children in the 4-11 age range. For the past two and half years, I have worked as a Pre-K teacher at a private school. I am currently enrolled in a Master’s program for Elementary Education as I work as a JSM Primary Teacher Assistant.


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