Sat, Nov 25, 2023 11:45 AM
Great Lesson for Students
The article “Why is Regular Soda Denser than Diet Soda?” by Todd Hoover (2018) was written to help students realize the nutritional differences and densities between diet and regular sodas. This article was informative and helpful. The author explains the type and amount of sugar in both sodas. The main idea is that sugar content changes the density of the sodas. The reader is supplied with an experiment teachers could use to help students explore their differences.
The author incorporated the 5E Model of Instruction, explaining the steps and reasoning behind each step of the experiment process. The article also gives ideas for future research for students and teacher resources. In the article, teachers will read how to engage students by asking about their predictions about whether or not the cans will float in water. They will also be encouraged to connect this activity to water temperature and other variables. Students are then encouraged to explore nutritional labels and use the internet to research more information about sodas, sugar content, and nutritional values.
As a math teacher, I can partner with the science teacher to experiment with the ratio unit to make tables and graphs comparing sugar content, nutritional values, and ounces. This experiment is relevant because my students consume a lot of soda and energy drinks daily. They can take something they enjoy, research the content and nutritional value, and apply mathematical concepts. We can also adapt and extend the information to other items students love, such as chips and candy. This experiment is an excellent way for students to understand how science and math are related and make connections to everyday life.