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Elementary Design Challenges
Wed, Nov 30, 2016 11:02 PM
A second chance
This article paints a clear picture, on how teachers can help students develop conceptual understanding and explore the design process. By implementing more real world hands-on activities that students can have more than one chance to be successful at a task. Affording students the opportunity to build interest and gain knowledge through engineering design challenges. I found this article very helpful and informative. Offering additional resources to give students more chances to be successful.
Like the author, when my students struggle on a task, I try to help them think of a solution to their problem. Through critical thinking skills and discussing what worked and what did not work. Teachers could even use the design process chart as an anchor cheat or a part of their interactive notebooks. Affording students an opportunity to refer back to when needed.
Cartoons—An Alternative Learning Assessment
Wed, Nov 23, 2016 11:50 PM
Cartoons for everybody
This article gives a great way to help students work in their dialog skills as well as express themselves through the land of cartoons. I feel by giving students and different method of something they can relate to is a great way to also check for understanding. With this article teachers will probably get more out of the students than paper and pencil. Simply because they will have to use their imagination as well as content learned in class.
"A" Is for Assessment
Wed, Nov 23, 2016 11:41 PM
Another look at assessments
What a great way to sum up different types of assessments. This article gives a lot of insight on all types of assessments. As teachers we focus on assessments as pre-assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment. However, this author expanded on other strategies that we use in our daily teaching that can also be looked as an assessment. Such as journaling, allowing students to write as well as illustrate their thinking. I especially like the idea of assessing students by allowing them to react what they are learning. Giving students a chance to show what they are learning besides paper and pencil.
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