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Recent Reviews by Gerard
Energy: Energy Transformations
Thu, Jan 28, 2016 5:09 PM
I really enjoyed this SciPack. It really broke down how to explain the transfer of energy. I teach 3rd grade and even though we deal primarily with heat and thermal energy this sci pack is still a good way to introduce potential and kinetic energy. The transfer of energy often leads to the involvement of thermal energy. This is a good way to introduce this to my students even though we don't go over in detail this topic.
Force and Motion: Position and Motion
Thu, Jan 28, 2016 10:30 AM
The motion in the ocean
This science pack was a little bit more difficult for me because I didn't have that much background knowledge of the subject matter. It really doesn't relate to many of the standards that I teach in 3rd grade. However, I think that it may be useful for students in 4th and 5th grade. So many times we do not really know how to describe and object's position and motion. I am sure students could use some clarity on this subject matter.
Methods and Strategies: Understanding the True Meaning of Nature of Science
Thu, Jan 21, 2016 4:55 PM
"Science the language of the world "
"When these parts of the whole are considered individually, a clearer picture can be gained of what nature of science should promote or not promote in science teaching. However, teaching about nature
of science sometimes gets lost as it is embedded in regular science instruction."
This statement from this article perfectly explains to me what happens in science. Science is how we try to understand how and why things happen. As stated in the article human creativity plays a major part of science. I do believe we as educators must understand how to move students through science without giving to my knowledge while correcting prior knowledge.
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