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Recent Posts by Leticia
Mon, Nov 25, 2019 12:44 AM in Inspiring Parent involvement
I believe parent involvement is a critical component in a child's education. Many strategies to increase parent participation are suggested. The first strategy is to send weekly emails of what the students are learning and expected tasks to complete. Make sure parents sign off on homework. The school community should make parents comfortable in participating by inviting and acceptin...
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Mon, Nov 25, 2019 12:34 AM in Incorporating Art with Science
The importance of incorporating art into science is often overlooked. Scientists are much like artists in the way that they view the world around them. Both scientists and artists share a fundamental curiosity and desire to understand nature. When science and art are combined, several great products are created. Connections in teaching and learning such as painting, music, poetry, singing, d...
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Recent Reviews by Leticia
Plants Collection
Thu, Jun 11, 2020 2:03 PM
Great Resource for Teaching About Plants
What I really enjoyed about this collection is that it has a variety in the type of resources provided. There are informative articles, lesson plan ideas, and types of assessments to implement in teaching about plants. Additionally, there is an article included in the collection that addresses the young child's concept of a plant. I found this especially beneficial to teachers in gaining the concept knowledge to teach about this topic because it covers the child's way of thinking (which can be extremely difficult for an adult to attempt to go back to). This enables us as educators to go from as concrete as possible to the abstract concept, keeping in mind the way in which the student is able to learn.
Sun, Nov 24, 2019 11:52 PM
Increase Student Motivation
The article is very helpful in providing the perfect trade books to implement in teaching the concept of gravity. In fact, I purchased the book, I Fall Down by Vicki Cobb, suggested for grades K-3 after reading this. The trade book was an excellent addition to the lesson because it sparked the students' interest immensely. The trade book provides many activities that allow students to explore and test how gravity works for themselves. The article explains what each suggested trade book is about in depth, which is very beneficial to know before purchasing them. Additionally, the authors take the Standards into consideration when suggesting books for each appropriate grade level. Overall, the article is one that I highly recommend to those looking for ways to motivate their students in this area of science.
Sun, Nov 24, 2019 11:51 PM
Increase Student Motivation
The article is very helpful in providing the perfect trade books to implement in teaching the concept of gravity. In fact, I purchased the book, I Fall Down by Vicki Cobb, suggested for grades K-3 after reading this. The trade book was an excellent addition to the lesson because it sparked the students' interest immensely. The trade book provides many activities that allow students to explore and test how gravity works for themselves. The article explains what each suggested trade book is about in depth, which is very beneficial to know before purchasing them. Additionally, the authors take the Standards into consideration when suggesting books for each appropriate grade level. Overall, the article is one that I highly recommend to those looking for ways to motivate their students in this area of science.
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