• Mary Smith

    Mary Smith


My NSTA / Peers / Mary Smith

Elementary Education Major at Francis Marion University

  • Public Collections
  • Recent Public Collections by Mary

    Life Science

    The grade level that this collection is geared towards is 1st-5th grade. The article listed concerns Living or Nonliving things, geared toward 1st-grade students. The article discusses life science and classifications to address misconceptions. Students can explore living things and nonliving things that align with certain standards and incorporate other content areas in this lesson. It goes through how to introduce background information and talk about the basic concepts of living and nonliving things. It also gives technology tips for lessons on this concept. The lesson plan/activity for students to do is called “Is it a Plant?”. This gives an assessment for students who ask to check if certain things are a plant or not and they will explain their thinking and the rule they used to decide if something is a plant. The activity goes through the explanation of the lesson and how it can be used in other grade levels. Each grade level breaks down how to change the content depending on the

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    Physical Science

    Physical Education meets Physical Science is a journal article lesson that allows students to experience science through physical interactions to learn. It discusses how the class was able to learn firsthand. Using Physical Science Gadgets and Gizmos was a resource when activities for the students to explore a variety of science involved with speed, friction, air resistance, gravity, etc. There were experiments throughout the book for teachers to use in the classroom. Student Ideas in Physical Science is a resource that provides engaging questions and assessments throughout the book. It talks about what students know or what they think they know about the subject. The book relates to the students and it's an easier way to get on their level of thinking. What’s new in the Planetary Science webinar was about the explorations of our solar system. This makes great discussions with students and they get to learn about new information. Learning about the solar system gives students ins

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