Electric and Magnetic Forces
Sat, Apr 07, 2012 6:51 AM
Excellent resources for a more abstract topic
Although listed for grades 5-8, this SciGuide is appropriate for a high school level conceptual physics course (for regular level or lower level math students). It covers electric charges, forces, conductors and insulators, electric circuits, interaction between electricity and magnetic fields. This is an excellent collection of resources. Many use real world technology and are fun for the students to explore, for example, the build-your-own circuit lab. There are many student-friendly, fun interactive activities like “Electric forces”, “Force, distance, charge”, “Rutherford’s Gold foil experiments” virtual lab where students will enjoy learning about freefall, air resistance etc. I could use the many interactive animations to teach concepts, have them predict what might happen before they carry out the simulation, observe the simulation and reflect on whether they were right or wrong and why. They can also calculate quantities based on the variables used in the simulations. An improvement I would suggest: perhaps add some links for the high school level, maybe for a 12th grade physics class with mathematical applications.