Tue, Apr 07, 2015 10:32 PM in Teaching Science
Hello. I am a student who will be student teaching in Fall of 2015. I am unsure if my teacher will be teaching science in his/her classroom. I am posting to get some tips on including science in math and language art lessons in order to teach science in the case that it is not being taught in the classroom in which I am assigned.
Thank you
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Tue, Apr 07, 2015 10:23 PM in Discussions
Hello. I am a student currently in a science methods course. I thought my first science lesson today about liquids. The hardest part of the lesson was the discussion. How do I get the students to understand what I want them to learn without telling them. It took me quite a while to get students to understand that liquids take the shape of the container they were in. I could really use some tips on...
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Tue, Apr 07, 2015 10:20 PM in Class Environment
Hello, I am a student who will be student teaching in the fall. I am also a preschool teacher. I believe I have seen many different ways to create a welcoming and comfortable classroom environment that is conductive to learning. When I student teach, I will be getting the students at the beginning of the year. I am hoping I can receive some feedback on how to make my students feel comfortable and ...
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