• Bethany Alford

    Bethany Alford

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  • Public Collections
  • Recent Public Collections by Bethany

    Collection Three: Life Science

    -Article: "Living or Non-living?- This article was a great addition to my collection because it gives details on things to do in the classroom such as making sure to ask the right questions. It included how assessing was graded (rubric) and it also talks about different levels of learning: advanced, proficient, almost proficient, and not. 2- Activity: Ecosystem in a Jar: This activity would be fun for students to create an ecosystem. The article gives details about the project. The objective being to introduce the concepts of ecosystems. It includes the materials need, teacher preparations and also how to engaged, explore, and assess. 3-Video: Ecosystems for Kids: This video is a great resource to help students learn about ecosystems. It defines a ecosystem, living and non-living things, and different types such as: desert and rain forest. 4-Interactive Book: "Beavers Building Ecosystem": a little more detailed activity. This would be something for higher level elementary such as

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    Collection Two- Physical Science

    Collection Two Physical Science contains many different things. 1) Journal Article- It talks about push and pull factors, give some books that you can use in the classroom, and also talks about the 5 E's that we learned about as well. 2) E-Book: "Kristel Pushes and Pulls", this is an interactive book that helps students use their knowledge on push and pull factors. The students are required to read the book, while also choosing if the objects need to be pushed or pulled in the book. 3) Video: The video in the collection is from 3-2-wonder teaching on pushes and pulls. It is very interesting for students because the kids in the video are learning about force, pushes, and pulls from a "scientist". 4) The collection also contains a song that I will teach to my students that also has movements. It is a very catchy song and is easy to learn for these lower level students.

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