Sizing Up the Solar System
Wed, Sep 28, 2011 9:52 AM
This is clear and easy to use
Sizing up the Solar System is an article providing a look at teaching students to understand models in science. In this article specifically, authors point out that by the end of 5th grade student should understand that a model is a smaller version of the real product. Then they turn the reader’s attention to the student (mis)understanding of the Solar System models. The authors explain that in order for student to understand the models better, teachers need to include size and distances within our Solar System by introducing a notion of “scale”.
Authors offer lesson plan activities that lead students to understanding of distances and positions of planets as well as to making of a scaled representation of our Solar System on a sentence strip. As a future classroom teacher, I can see myself using this lesson with my students. I appreciate that it is engaging and easy to follow. The lesson includes preassessment (what students know about models and their use in science), clear criteria for observing the Solar System models (almost like a scoring rubric), very clear directions for making a scaled model, and also a visual of a final product.