W.W. Norton Co - September 30.2024
  • Cole Longo

    Cole Longo

My NSTA / Peers / Cole Longo

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  • Public Collections
  • Recent Public Collections by Cole

    Collection Review: Figuring Out Food Chains

    Figuring Out Food Chains, By Christine Anne Royce (NRC 1996) Cole Longo Review: Most students understand that we and other creatures consume plant and animal material. However, they may be aware how that process includes all animals which fits together in a food cycle/ web/ chain. This article goes on to explain the focus questions we should be presenting K-12 students. Questions such as “How do organisms obtain and use the matter and energy they need to live and grow?” and “How do organisms interact with the living and nonliving environment to obtain matter and energy?”. Students will need to identify how different animals fit into the food chain by what relies on them, and what they rely on to survive. By engaging the students to make predictions such as asking giving them images which can construct a simple food chain and asking them to put it together. Evaluation is important. A formal assessment can be provided to gauge student competency.

    1 Resources

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    Planets, solar system, and universe (COLLECTION)

    Learning about space This collection of articles covers a wide variety of information for students to begin learning about the foundations of what makes up our solar system. The articles include how the planets orbit around the sun. It describes the distance and at which speed plants move across the solar system. Tracking the planets and how they orbit the sun will help students understand how planets are positioned. Inquiry-based modules are provided to help teachers better understand the content they teach. Articles in this collection provide insight to how the similarities and differences of planets compare. Each planet has its own unique orbit since planets vary in size, composition, and atmospheric conditions. Some have multiple moons, ice debris, and rings.

    6 Resources

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  • Forum Posts
  • Reviews

Forum Posts 3 Public Collections 2 Reviews 1

Activity Points

This month 0 This year 0 All Time 315

Badges Earned
Onyx Disseminator NSTA Resource Activator Interactive E-book Activator Onyx NSTA 75th Anniversary Pearl NSTA 75th Anniversary