Vernier Science - Nov2024_WEBINAR page
  • Krystal Rodriguez

    Krystal Rodriguez
    Florida International University

My NSTA / Peers / Krystal Rodriguez

I am a college student studying elementary education at Florida International University. I am currently in my senior and plan to graduate next year. My goal is to find a job once I graduate and start working on my Master's degree.

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  • Recent Public Collections by Krystal

    Teaching About Weather

    Weather is something taught in all grade levels and it is taught in more depth depending on the grade level. It is a concept important because it happens around us every day. It is something that is constantly changing. Human interaction with the world can damage the environment and cause a long term negative effect to the weather causing it to harm the environment. It is important for students to be aware of what causes phenomenon such as a hurricane, tornado, precipitation, or the change of temperature. As a teacher one must always have different resources to provide students with and background information that one must read to be knowledgeable in the subject. I do know some general information about the weather but I feel that I need to read more about this topic and learn possible ways to teacher about the weather. For examples, teachers can teach about precipitation with manipulatives, videos, pictures, and even discussing events going on at the time. Weather can be challenging t

    11 Resources

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