Fri, Dec 09, 2016 5:53 PM in Multicultural Activities
I very much enjoy the idea of using passports in the classroom for a multitude of ideas, but I can honestly say that I have never thought about intertwining multicultural learning in science. I think it is a great way for students to take a "trip" to different parts of the world and incorporating this as well to the other subjects. I recall doing something like this in elementary school...
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Fri, Dec 09, 2016 5:48 PM in Gradeless
Going off on a gradeless class, I think that a rubric would be a great way to see where the student stands in the objective and certain aspects of what was expected. I can see where the students could use the feedback they receive on their rubric to improve their skills at the beginning of the next class or on a half page reflection, half page research about it. Making the students responsible for...
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Fri, Dec 09, 2016 5:43 PM in Science Activities
I feel that many schools do not focus on science often, my fourth graders only learn science once a week. I feel that it is important to incorporate aspects of every subject in every day lessons. If there is not time for an entire lesson, it is possible to do stem activities to get our student's mind thinking. It is a great idea to maybe do a stem activity early in the morning to get their minds s...
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