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- Public Collections
Recent Public Collections by Amanda
My Collection
These collections are some articles we have read for class and some I've chosen on my own. I chose these collections because I believe they show a great view and give good information on how to go about teaching science and making it more valuable for students. All of these articles are shareable and beneficial for future educators to keep in mind when getting prepared to teach in an elementary classroom. I believe all of these articles are crucial to read from but one that sticks out to me is the article called “Creating a Positive Feedback Culture”. This article provides practical principles on how to elicit evidence of student learning, provide effective feedback, and extend student learning beyond the assessment. These articles provide different ideas and effective examples that are efficient to make our science class a success.!plus!K70r8_E
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Recent Posts by Amanda
Thu, Nov 21, 2019 6:08 PM in Incorporating different subjects while teaching science
Hi everyone,
I would like to incoporate teaching other subjects while teaching science. I find that this is something many teachers love the idea of but when it comes down to actually doing it, they find difficulty. Could anyone give me some ideas or personal experiences they have had with merging different subjects especially one with science?
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Thu, Nov 21, 2019 5:52 PM in ESOL strategies in the science classroom
Hi everyone,
I am currently an elementary education college student in my last semester before graduating. I have learned ESOL strategies throughout my time in my classes for reading and math. On the other hand, I wanted some advice/ideas on what these ESOL strategies can look like in the science classroom enviroment? Has anyone experienced struggle or success with this?
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