Flow of Energy / Food Web - Idania Caceres Collection
Sat, Apr 07, 2018 11:36 PM
Extensive collection of resources
This is a great, extensive collection of resources for teaching food webs and the flow of energy. This collection includes science objects related to ecosystems and interdependence, which teachers can refer to for a good review of the concepts. I also like how the journal articles included have information on a variety of topics related to energy flow and food webs, such as producers, species interdependence, insects, etc... One of the journal articles explain how to use trade books for teaching food webs. Another article explains how to effectively use formative assessments while teaching food webs and interdependence. Most of the journal articles also describe great hands-on inquiry activities for students to do which involve making observations of animals and plants in their natural habitats. Overall, this collection is very informative and thorough.