Winter Group - November 14 campaign
  • Joseph Lener

    Joseph Lener
    Cape Fear Academy - Wilmington, NC

My NSTA / Peers / Joseph Lener

My name is Joey Lener, and I currently work as a Middle School Science Teacher at Cape Fear Academy inWilmington, NC. I have a Bachelors in Marine Sciences from UCONN and a Masters in Environmental Education from Southern CT State University. I have been teaching informal/formal education since I graduated in 2013, and have been part of many great organizations. Here's a list of them: The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk (CT), Sound To Sea Environmental Education Program (NC), Greens Farms Academy (CT), The Ross School (NY), and King School (CT). Along with my experience as an educator, I have greatly involved with environmental conservation efforts, especially for sea turtles. From 2005-2013 I volunteered at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, FL with their Sea Turtle Conservation and Research Program, specifically with satellite tagging nesting females. I have also volunteered with the Jamaica Bay Terrapin Research Project in NY, where they are working on protecting their populations of


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