Fri, Nov 18, 2016 10:54 AM in Science Tables!
I need some advice or resources for some help on taking care of my science tables. I have been working as the 7th/8th grade science teacher at my school for 5 years. I have checked with other people who have been here longer than me and they do not know how old the tables are. This year the tables are getting really scratched up on the tops and the black from the top is coming off when we wipe the...
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Wed, Oct 05, 2016 11:13 AM in Google Classroom
I am a 7th and 8th grade science teacher and many of my colleagues use Google Classroom. I have just started to use it this year and am looking for some ways to potential use it. I have posted videos for my students to watch and then have created questions for them to answer. As well as posting their worksheets on here, so we don't waste paper (trying to be a good science teacher here!) I am just ...
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Tue, Oct 04, 2016 8:46 PM in Class Pets
Hi! I have had 2 fire bellied toads in my classroom for 3 years now. They are super easy to take care of, they get fed once a week (live crickets!) I have room parents make a sign up for my class and the kids rotate bringing in the crickets once a week. My 7th graders also need to complete community service throughout the year so I give them hours for bringing in crickets and they can get more se...
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