Mon, Apr 22, 2019 8:45 PM in Motivation
Hi Elizabeth,
In my science methods class, we learned the about the importance of incorporating play into the classroom. This allows the students to do something fun and still being engaged while learning. I think students are more motivated when they are interested what they are learning. They will be more willing to ask questions and investigate the problem on their own. I also think s...
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Mon, Apr 22, 2019 7:21 PM in Integrating Science & Writing
Hi Carina,
I am currently enrolled in a science methods class at the University of Northern Iowa. In class, we talked about the importance of integrating multiple subjects within a lesson. We used an app called SeeSaw. This app allowed us to write about our investigations, predictions, and observations. It is a great way for students to keep a science journal. We also got to do an do a i...
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Thu, Apr 11, 2019 8:52 PM in STEM in my classroom
Hi Nicole,
I am currently a student at the University of Northern Iowa enrolled in a science methods course. We had a guest speaker come into our classroom who taught us how important it is to incorporate play into the classroom. Play can spark creativity and engagment while learning, and the students might not even think they are learning! Play also makes students more curious and wanti...
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