Learning About Plants With STEAM
Fri, Sep 15, 2017 5:09 PM
Plant Inquiry with STEAM
I was very impressed by the way this resource helped to give a clear picture of how to allow students to find out information about plants in a constructivist manner. Rather than giving students information about how plants work, the study values students' previous knowledge and helps them to put it all together in the end. Throughout the investigation, students make prediction about what will happen. The students are then able to test these predictions through simple, realistic, and affordable experiments. They record their before and after results through art. Then, students used STEAM again to put together all the information they had gathered. The standards which go along with the activities are made clear. Safety tips are also given throughout which help to avoid potential issues. Before and during the ideas for the lesson, the technique is explained and supported. I would love to do this with a group of students one day!