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Thu, Jun 03, 2021 10:16 AM in Support my students: New Teacher
Hello my name is Jennifer Lozano and I will be graduating this coming Spring. I'm so excited to finally hace a class of my own since I've always wanted to be a teacher. Since I'll be a first time teacher, I have a lot of new things to learn in regards to the classroom. I would like to first be able to start with the students and slowly work with them individually. How can I best use p...
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Thu, Jun 03, 2021 9:56 AM in Remote Learning
Hello Valeria! An effective way that you can incorporate teamwork/student interaction is by creating a class groupchat and then allowing stuidents to choose their own groups. If students have a class group chat they can refer back to, they will feel safer since they have two different groups they can ask (the class groupchat or privately with their small group).
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