Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Collection
Fri, Dec 05, 2014 6:24 PM
Great Topic for Both Teachers and Students a Like
Jessica had picked a great topic that has immediate relevance to students. She has in her collection one article for high school, one article for middle school, and two articles for elementary school. The high school article appeals to the students senses and lives a lasting impression by doing a live performance on the journey of garbage. What a great way to bring personal meaning to students about recycling. The article addressed to middle schools provides even more immediate relevance by having students actually participating in curbside recycling program. Students get to learn how to do this and how the process works. The two articles addressed to elementary schools not only teach children what trash is and which ones can be recycled but shows them the process of recycling and its journey, along with how they affect the path of trash. These are all great articles that bring meaningful relevance to students and provides teachers with a repertoire on various ways to teach about recycling like a play, field trips, and volunteer work. Great stuff!