What Happened to Our Volcano?
Wed, Jun 13, 2018 9:58 PM
Rocks Next-door
This article tells in its entirety, the story of the creation, execution, and learning in an entire unit on constructive and destructive forces. The unit focuses on student inquiry about a local volcano that existed millions of years ago. Students first discovered the volcano when they learned that the large rocks by the beach are composed of granite, an igneous rock that forms inside of volcanos. But where is the volcano? Through experimentation and observations, the teacher leads students to uncover the many ways in which the Earth's landscape changes overtime. The unit culminates with a local geologist who addresses lingering questions and expands on student learning. This article is a memorable read, and I am sure the unit was a memorable learning moment for all involved. I am now wracking my brain for local landmarks on which I can base my own lessons, and looking into local geologists who can bring their expertise into the final conversation.