Sun, Jan 29, 2012 10:03 PM in Evolution
I suppose the best suggestion is to narrow down your focus. Evolution is a broad area to study. Do your standards simply ask students to compare/contrast fossils to living creatures? Do they refer to natural selection? Do they talk about geographic or reproductive isolation? Genetic drift? Random variations?
The University of Indiana has some great stuff
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Sun, Jan 29, 2012 3:45 PM in How Do Plants Need Animals?
I hate to revive a long-since-dead thread, but many plants require animals to transport their seeds!
Fruits are essentially gifts to entice birds and other animals to sow the seeds in a nice (if smelly) pre-fertilized package. If I recall mistletoe causes diarrhea in birds who eat the berries. The seeds are very sticky and when the bird deposits the seeds, they stick to branches or trunks and g...
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Sun, Jan 29, 2012 9:20 AM in Differentiating Science Instruction
One technique I use for differentiating assignments is RAFT: Role-Audience-Format-Topic.
It is a menu-based system where students decide how they wish to proceed. I create a number of options in each category and the students make their selections.
For example, if we are studying electricity, the menu might be:
Building inspector
Master electrician
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