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Mon, Dec 08, 2014 2:47 PM in Animals Characteristics and Functions
Mon, Dec 08, 2014 1:46 PM in Start Subbing...Tips?
I am so glad I found this forum! I am going to start substitute teaching at the end of the month and wanted to get tips from individuals who are currently subbing. Bringing grade level books is a great idea! You never know what the teacher will already have in the class. I have a slight obsession with children's books so I already have a book in mind. The book is called The Day the Crayons Quit by...
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Recent Reviews by Pilar

Interdependence of Life
Mon, Dec 08, 2014 3:39 PM
Wonderful SciPack
I have chosen to review the Interdependence of Life SciPack by NSTA that we completed throughout the course of the semester. At first I was a bit intimidated by the amount of text that I saw. Upon closer examination I realized that the information was broken down into pieces that were easier to understand. The folders and subfolders were separated into chunks that made sense. The videos and simulations throughout the SciPack were a great way to further engage us in the lesson.
I also liked the way there was a diagram or picture for almost every concept. For a visual learner like me, it was very helpful in helping me remember certain ideas. Some of the information was a refresher of past concepts, such as the different types of biomes and types of species relationships. I was especially interested in the pedagogical implications, since this information was completely new to me. Overall the SciPack proved to be a tremendously helpful resource that is just as good, if not better than a text book.
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