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Sun, Oct 28, 2018 2:37 PM in STEM in my classroom
I have noticed the growing importance of STEM and STEM education in the current world over the past few years. I did not know many specific ways to implement STEM in an elementary classroom until I worked at a STEM camp this summer. After seeing these young children learn about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with fun and hands-on activities, I definitely want to imp...
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Mon, Oct 22, 2018 10:25 PM in Mixtures Lesson Plan
My lesson will focus on mixtures. I am beginning my lesson with the book Stone Soup so I can activate prior knowledge and gain interest. I also want the students to see that mixtures occur all over the place, such as when we are cooking. I plan on letting my students create and separate real life examples of mixtures like sand and rocks, cereal and crackers, and plastic and meta...
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