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Fri, Jan 15, 2021 4:00 AM in origination
Hi, I am currently a student at UTRGV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic school buildings remain closed all over the country. Since I am at home doing online learning how do I keep myself organized and focus other than planners? I find myself constantly distracted or unmotivated with my thoughts all over my head. What some helpful tips or advice to keep me on track?
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Fri, Jan 15, 2021 3:44 AM in Teaching about animal care
Hi, I am currently a student at UTRGV. Having a class pet can give children a sense of responsibility, develop empathy, create enthusiasm, and can be used for lesson plans or a variety of subjects. However, teachers should consider student's allergies, risks, and other concerns for students and animal's health. I am very fascinated with the idea of having a class pet and will look mo...
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