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- Forum Posts
Recent Posts by Giselle
Sun, Mar 28, 2021 9:51 PM in Is Science Important?
As a teacher assistant in an elementary school, I've noticed that science isn't a main focus in the curriculum. When I was in elementary, I remember doing a lot of projects and experiments and it was fun and interactive. I wanted to know if it's something that has progressively declined or if it is just in the school that I work in?
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Sun, Mar 28, 2021 9:46 PM in Adapting to Distance Learning
Distance learning became a very much needed tool starting last year when this pandemic started. Although it may not be easy, I find that both teachers and students have adapted very well to the situation. As a school community, I think it is very important that we stick together and help each other throughout this continuing situation. I wanted to ask about resources or tips that may better assis...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Giselle
Properties of Matter Collection
Fri, Mar 26, 2021 10:39 PM
I enjoyed looking through this collection. I believe it would come in handy when teaching properties of matter. It had great resources for students and teachers to use. My favorite part was the interactive E-book. I think it is extremely important for students to have fun while learning and the ebook is a great way to do so. Overall, I loved your collection and is something I would consider using with my future students.
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