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- Public Collections
Recent Public Collections by Bailey
Earth and Space
Article: This article for K-2nd grade is a great resource for teachers because it has a great explanation of how to introduce the parts of space to students as well as different activities you can engage the students in.
Lesson Plan: This lesson plan for elementary students is a great resource for teachers because it has a great overview of how to teach students what the sun is and how it opportunities in space. This lesson plan comes with great activities and models to use with your students as they learn about the sun in space.
Webinar: This webinar for elementary students is a great resource for teachers to use while teaching students about space, it gives students an in-depth look at each of the planets and different information associated with those planets.
E-Book: This E-Book for elementary students is great for teachers to use while teaching students about earth and space because it is an interactive resource to help students learn about the solar system. This book h
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Physical Science
Journal Article: This article is a great resource to use when teaching a first grade standard about light. It has great ways to structure your lesson and activities based on the 5 E's relating to light.
Lesson Plan: This lesson plan is a great resource for K-2 grades about the best ways to create a NASCAR using various materials. The lesson plan includes videos and materials you can use to complete this lesson.
Webinar: This webinar is a great tool to use for teaching about waves to young children. This webinar comes with other great resources to pair with the video about waves.
Journal Article: I chose this item to include because it's about teaching teachers ways to implement activities and physical science lessons into their classroom in a fun way. This article gave many great ideas about how to teach physical science to kids and fun activities for them to do.
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Recent Posts by Bailey
Mon, Nov 13, 2023 7:00 PM in How to help kids love science?
Hey Diana! I am also a preservice teacher and a way that would be benfifical for students to love science is by incorporating it into other subject areas. Science can be connected to every subject in some type of way. Figuring out what kind of fun science activity you can include in your ELA, Social Studies, or Math lesson would help your kids connect the areas and help them realize that science ...
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