Fri, Feb 18, 2011 1:39 PM in There Has to Be Something Other Than a Science Fair
How is a Science Olympiad different than a Science Fair? My students have issues with even doing a science fair project. Mostly because no one has ever expected them to or even had them write up science labs in lower grades. This has so far been a year of learning with these students what they have been taught before so I can try and get them where they should be. Was hoping that Sciecne fair woul...
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Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:02 PM in Integrated Curriculum
I am looking at
This seems to be pretty close to what I am looking for. It especially isn't an inch deep and mile wide. Now if I can get k-6 to actually teach science.
Does anyone have experience with this one?
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Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:06 AM in Evaluating Science Programs
Thank you so much for the information and I will be getting in touch. I have talked with my curriculum folks and they see the need for this review in the school to try and get the k-6 teachers on board as well as the state.
Is it alright for me to pass along the pdf's to my curriculum people so they can see where we really stand?
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