Winter Group - November 14 campaign
  • Annette Cruz

    Annette Cruz
    Florida International University

My NSTA / Peers / Annette Cruz

I am a college student majoring in Elementary Education.

  • Public Collections
  • Recent Public Collections by Annette

    Water as Matter: Properties and Uses

    This collection presents resources that describe the properties and uses of water. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Water is matter. Therefore, water can be found in the three states of matter, which are liquid, ice, and gas. Along with these three states, water has its common and unique properties. There are resources that are specific to the properties and uses of water, but there are also resources about matter in general. The purpose of the resources in this collection is to help teachers and students build the foundational knowledge for water as matter, but also to extend their knowledge with what is provided.

    7 Resources

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  • Forum Posts
  • Reviews

Forum Posts 3 Public Collections 1 Reviews 1

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