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Sat, Nov 24, 2018 9:23 PM in First Grade Changes in Heat
Hey everyone! I am currently a student at the University of Houston and we have been working on lesson plans throughout the semester. My lesson plan is over changes in heat. I had a hard time figuring out what exactly I was going to teach in this lesson, because I feel that properties of matter has so much to cover. I started going over this topic by discussing what happens to objects when heat i...
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Sat, Nov 24, 2018 8:51 PM in Implementing STEM in my classroom
Hi! I am currently student teaching in a first grade classroom, and I have been curious about how to implement STEM into my classroom as well. I have not seen a lot of teachers in the younger grades do this, and these posts have a lot of wonderful ideas. I believe that STEM is a very important part of learning, and it can help our students as they get older. When we implement STEM, like many othe...
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