Primates and other species in the tropics are experiencing many changes, including climate change, habitat loss, and species extinction. In this web seminar we will examine how primates are studied in the wild, how primates experience changes in their environments, and how we can use scientific inquiry to conserve them. Join us as we travel digitally to tropical forests in Indonesia and South America to learn more about these charismatic species.
All individuals receive a certificate of participation and 100 NSTA activity points for attending the live seminar and completing the end-of-program survey. A certificate of participation is not awarded for watching the recorded version of the program.
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To view the presentation slides from the web seminar and related resources, visit the resource collection.
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Below are comments from individuals who attended the seminar:
- "I really liked how the presenter was very passionate about the related content and was able to answer many of the questions asked."
- "The thing I enjoyed most about the presentation was how much love and interest Katie showed for the topic. I could tell she has done a great job in her field of study and truly loves what she does."
- "Very engaging! I appreciate Katie’s personal stories and photos which made it easier to understand her research. She also presented clearly and is obviously passionate about her work."
A certificate of attendance was deposited into participants' account page for completing the evaluation form at the end of the program.
For more information contact: [email protected]