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Early Childhood

Virtual experiments

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Madeline Henderson Madeline Henderson 285 Points

How can young children be excited and eager to learn about science? What are examples of activities that can be done at home virtually? 

Makayla Schluter Makayla Schluter 515 Points

Hello Madeline!

This is a great question to pose and I have considered this same thing a great deal within my pre-service teaching program. The first thing I would try, given that we can’t assume every child has access to the same resources, is some demonstrations. Whether completed live over Zoom or using a pre-recorded video, you can engage students in critical thinking and inquiry by completing exciting demonstrations using things around your home. Then, if students do have access to the materials, they can complete the experiment at home ( safe experiments). I will provide a list of websites that offer great at-home hands-on experiments. If you would like students to complete experiments at home, consider making packets of supplies that can either be picked up or dropped off. 

Additionally, students can access incredible resources virtually such as Minecraft Education Edition, PHET labs, National Geographic, and even virtual science field trips that keep them excited and interested in science from the safety of home.


All in all, I do believe there are many ways to keep students engaged and excited about science in the virtual setting. Simply encouraging students to go outside and explore their environment, keeps them active and engaged in the science all around them.

Hope these resources can be of some help to you!

Makayla - Use food, make food, watch the growth of plants, and experiment with balloons. This site offers many ways for students to complete hands-on experiments at home. - Learn through exciting challenges created through common household items. - This program is used in many schools as their main science curriculum.

Leylani Grass Leylani Grass 970 Points

Hello, there is a website called Generation Genius. It gives a lot of hands-on activities that the students can complete, along with a list of materials. You can look through them and pick some that you think will be simple enough to complete at home with materials they may have. 

Michelle Phillips Michelle Phillips 5950 Points

Hi Madeline - thank you for posting your question. I wondered if you have seen the Daily Do lesson plans on the NSTA website? There are many excellent examples of activities that can be done at home. Here is the link:

Jessica Jones Jessica Jones 465 Points

Most students are excited about science just because it allows them to think outside of the box. They are also excited about experiments, especially ones that they can actually do themselves. Anything that allows them a hands on experience and they do not have to worry about a worksheet, they will love- trust me! 



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